Structured Daycare
Our structured daycare program is ideal for the pup that needs to get out of the house a few days a week but may not enjoy a free-for-all daycare setting.
Each day, pups get supervised small group play sessions, a daily enrichment activity, and some rest time between! Pups have access to indoor and outdoor spaces, fresh water all day, and a climate-controlled kennel room and play area.
Monday through Friday
7:30 am to 5:30 pm
FREE Half-Day Evaluation
Full day: $55
Half day: $30
Packages of 5 or 10 available at a discount!
Space is limited
Call today to reserve a spot
Recurring appointments are accepted
Wanna see how much fun we have?
Check out our social for pups daycare!
Daycare Policies
Before being officially accepted into our program, puppies must participate in a free half-day evaluation day. During this day, our staff will ensure your pup can play safely with other dogs.
Pups must be fully vaccinated (DHPP, Rabies, Bordetella) and symptom-free to come to daycare.
Pet parents should let us know about any food sensitivities or behaviors we should be on the watch for (such as chewing bedding or eating toys).
Dogs in heat are not permitted at daycare. You must notify us if your dog is not spayed or neutered.
Dogs displaying signs of illness or distress may be sent home early for their well-being and the safety of other dogs.